Car Accidents


Car accidents happen – what do you do? Ruth Devlin



Accidents can happen – no matter how carefully you drive. When you have an accident, look for the other car's license plate number and write it down. Also notice the make of the other car. Then call the police. The police report will help the insurance companies decide who must pay. If anyone is hurt, call 911 and get help right away. Then exchange information with the other driver: name and telephone number as well as driver's license number and all your insurance information.

不論多麼小心, 偶爾就是會沾惹上無妄之災或不幸的飛來橫禍人生裡有太多太多的不確定, 無法胸有成竹或始終保持自信, 終究只能盡人事聽天命....

但是要特別特別感謝那些會看見別人的災難不幸並發自內心悲天憫人給予真正關懷的仁慈朋友, 他不苛責你, 他不提供往事已矣的無效建議, 他只是那麼真誠的觀察到你並非原來欲求的意外病痛, 然後堅定的告訴你: 一定要去看醫生, 不要輕忽意外或看來無礙的傷害可能帶來非顯性的不良結果......更令人感動的是起而行的給你最實質的幫助....

真的真的真的很感動, 那提醒著資質向來駑鈍的自己, 要跟這位這麼棒的好朋友學習, 這種良善的根基, 是這個渾沌的, 人心自私浮動又不安的現世裡最珍貴而可敬的人性價值.

謝謝你, 錢哥哥


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